Saturday, November 12, 2011


The medical system, especially the multi-billion dollar cancer research fraud system, are terrified of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, for he has found the holy grail of cancer treatment. And, it is cheap compared to chemotherapy and radiation murder. Conventional cancer treatment gives the victim from 4 days to 6 months to live longer....... without hair, often deaf, turned into a sexless vegetable. And, they will almost always relapse.

I realize there have been many cancer treatment quacks. I heard about my first one in 1953 as a kid when the Coke Therapy was around California. Coke moved to Mexico and treated patients who came across the border for treatment. Was he legitimate? Who knows?

But, this history and treatment protocol of Dr. Burzynski is a very well documented episode in the treatment of cancer, and there are a large number of cancer patients who were terminal and are now in prefect health. For this, Dr. Burzynski has been hounded by the FDA, and numerous web sites that are shills for the FDA have slandered the doctor.

If you or a friend are in trouble with cancer, you need to look at the following video and meditate.

You also should read Dr. Mercola's recent suggestions on how to avoid cancer. 

Dr. Burzynski's web site

They are practical, and the FDA and medical establishment will not tell you these simple steps to live cancer free. You MUST understand something..... the medical professionals, Big Phama, and government medical agencies all are committed to keeping you sick but barely alive until age 80. This will give them the maximum opportunity to harvest cash off of YOU and off of Medicare. 

Your VA and Medicare providers all are in complicity. Most doctors have misgivings about this, but they do not have the testicles to tell you the truth and send you to alternative doctors and treatments. So, all over the world, research is walking away from the USA criminal medical mob. The USA is becoming one of the most dangerous places on earth to get medical help.

If anyone reading here has any input, please leave a comment.

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